It’s been a while!

Well hey there! I had a feeling that something like this would happen, that I would fall off the face of the blogging earth for a while when I realized how much I was taking on when I got back to school (which was a lot!). But here I am, almost a semester later, ready to begin again!

I have kept CrossFitting, how could I not? Paleo though…. not so much. You would think it would be such a luxury to move back into a sorority house and have all of your meals cooked for you, to not have to worry about what is for dinner or not having enough time to make something for lunch. Well, my friends, it is a double-edged sword. Though all of my meals may be prepared for me, that means I have absolutely no control over what goes into them, or what they are at all for that matter. We have a great (most of the time) salad bar where I try and stick to for lunch and dinner, but when there are french fries and cookies and cheese sitting right next to the salad bar…. how do you say no!? I didn’t realize how much my body changed with the assistance of eating so well this summer, but I definitely realize the change back at school. Add alcohol to the mix, and say goodbye to the six pack I was starting to sport by the beginning of August.

Now, that’s not to say that I haven’t made progress! I am deadlifting 220 as my 1RM-  the most exciting number I currently have- but that was a huge one. I’m continuously strong in WODs at CFB, and after competing in my first ever competition, I placed 4th of all the women! (There were only 9 of us, but it was stiff competition and I am giving myself a huge pat on the back!)

My roommates are still extremely supportive of having such a healthy way of getting out any frustration or anger or anything, just the way it did this summer. It definitely saved me a bit in the beginning of the year, giving me something to throw myself into and stay distracted. I am proud to say that at this point in my life I am happy and realize just how much better off I am now than I was just 4 months ago.

Tomorrow I have a very special and exciting surprise to share, but for now it is bed time!

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